Nirnimesh has performed the first dye release simulation in the CSIDE study region. This is with the COAWST model that couples waves and currents and has a 20 m grid resolution. This simulation is for a period of time in Fall 2014 with northward winds. Nirnimesh also sent in waves with significant wave height of 1 m, peak period Tp=14 s, and offshore angle of 200 deg. He did two dye relases separated by about 3 days.
* Left panel is temperature anomoly (subtracting T=18 deg C), Right panel is dye concentration (ppb) in log scale.
* Each frame is one hour. The counter (dT) indicates how long since the dye release. The movie goes fast! You can slow it down in the youtube controls
* About 100 L of Rhodamine WT was released over 2 hrs for each release. This is a realistic release.
* Green square is dye release location, Magenta dots are planned instrument locations/
* Both dye releases are at high tide.
This is a first pass! We are going to do many more simulations to figure out best release and sampling strategy!